What is Chiropractic?

Your nervous system is responsible for regulating every system and function in your body. Chiropractic, as a result, is used to correct any dysfunction that interrupts or affects proper function of your nervous system. These are dysfunctions in your body and are what we know as subluxations that are caused by stressors in your system. A subluxation is when there is an incorrect movement, translation, or improper position of a vertebrae which causes irritation in the nerves that go through them.


Subluxations happen in everyone’s body but not everyone feels pain from them. About 90% of the cases do not cause pain due to the fact that only 10% of your nerves are associated with pain fibers. However, you may start noticing the effects of a subluxation through other changes and problems in your body such as: digestive issues, asthma, muscle weakness, depression, anxiety, and more. These can then develop into bigger issues like low back pain, sciatic pain, neck pain, and disc herniations. This is why it is important for everyone, regardless of experiencing pain or not, to get constant Chiropractic treatment to avoid experiencing these bigger symptoms caused by subluxations and spinal dysfunctions.  


Think of your nervous system as a water hose whose job is to maintain the field green and healthy. When there is a kink in the hose (dysfunction/subluxation/stressor in your body) now the job of the hose cannot be carried out in its full potential. There will still be water going through it as it has not been shut off, however it will cause the field to be spotty and start dying (depression, low back pain, disc herniations) in the areas that are not getting enough water (nutrients). This is the relationship between your nervous system and body when there is a dysfunction/subluxation.


The stressors in your body that are responsible for causing such dysfunctions/subluxations in your body are classified as: Chemical, Emotional, and Physical stressors. Chemical stressors happen as a result of our dieting. High processed foods, sugars, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats create a buildup of inflammation in our bodies that then cause an interruption in our nervous system. Emotional stressors happen as a result of high periods of stress in your life (work, family, home). These negative thoughts and experiences cause your muscles to tense up. The tensed muscles can then pull vertebras out of alignment causing once again a subluxation. Finally, your physical stressors can be caused through bad posture, car accidents, falls, bad workouts, repetitive motions, lack of sleep, and even overdoing it in the garden. These stressors responsible for your body’s dysfunction and/or subluxation are also known as the three T’s: Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins.


Our goal at Meraki Chiropractic is to improve spinal motion and improve your body’s physical function by achieving proper communication between your body and your brain through a healthy nervous system. We do this by eliminating the interferences and stressors in your body through the use of chiropractic adjustments, also known as spinal manipulations. Our purpose with chiropractic care is to understand and treat the root/cause of your problem and not just treat the symptoms. We take the time to provide you with the best and most effective treatment for you.


Let’s help your body achieve the innate ability to heal itself!

 - Dr. Julio Cruz Gonzalez, Chiropractic Physician